Trading System

Trading System
Why Every Trade You Open Seems to Lose
Traders often feel like every time they open a trade the market does the exact opposite. The reason for this is often the same thing, and it might not be what you expect.
Trading System
Would You Rather Be a Winning Trader or a Profitable Trader?
Would You Rather Be a Winning Trader or a Profitable Trader?

Trading System
Why Trading High Probability Setups Isn't Always the Best Move
Here's something I learned about high probability setups from my friend who was CRAZY about horse racing. It's impacted my trading forever!

Trading System
Why the Most Successful Traders Have the Most Losses
How we should think about our trading losses and why the most successful fund managers have this locked down.

Trading System
What is a Trading Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Finding good trade entries helps. But to take great trades overall, you need a great trading plan.

Trading System
How to Trade Part-Time with a Full-Time Job (The ULTIMATE Guide)
Discover strategies for trading part-time while managing a full-time job. Learn how to choose the right market, develop a trading plan, and maintain work-life balance for successful part-time trading.

Trading System
2 Must-Know Tips For Finding Great Trades
How to make the jump from being a great analyst to becoming an elite level trader.